Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hey C-Note

...when you gonna name Byron your Chief of Staff?  That was the deal, right?  What happens if you don't honor that deal?  Does BL know where the bodies are buried?  Does he sing like Meffert?

I-Team: Check Records Missing In Jefferson Parish

Funny how so much public record goes missing around you and your peeps.  You think that shit will fly in D.C.? 

I don't know man but it's gonna be really fun to watch.

Con-profit alert status holding at high.


Anonymous said...

Rep. Girod Jackson III:

This is the guy that got (tens of? hundreds of?)) thousands via contracts with Aaron Broussard shoveled out via a company called Diversified.

Diversified was also a company that did business with the Orleans SWB via another name as a DBE in New Orleans.

Tangled webs all over.

whitmergate said...

Congrads Dambala...your grinding out the facts about Richmond, has now gotten the well deserved attention and traction on Byron Lee. Your efforts have jumped started posts and comments from Slabbed to the most recent entry by Walt Bennitti at Click-Jeff.

Kudos, and thanx.
